Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Dischordia Dances on Haiti

Vibration: To be shaken quite vigorously

Aloft, drifting in space; white noise is sweet music
Sliding about as a shadow does

This planet shakes and shivers
Her creatures scream
 Gravity is a crushing force
Oceans that teem with life go mad and collide with the land

All that was solid becomes liquid
 Fissures in the earth swallow whole
Art dies, and with it, the soul

The sky is as paper, tearing to reveal a terrible, vast whiteness  
A thousand children trapped in the ruins stare in horror at empty space
Human geometry, once noble, lies broken on the ground

The slums are a death mask
Pregnant women dine on clay
Disease like ripples on a lake, leaving nothing untouched;
Lovely human figures lay dying in the heat, betrayed by a vengeful rock

The ground hemorrhages beneath unsteady feet
Ash covers all the surface of the earth
Mother Chaos weeps in her void and looks on as we grope and cling.
A nightmare chasm, only static; it cannot be bridged

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